Text Box: Lake Region RC&D

About Us

Text Box: Our Mission

"To plan and initiate leadership and education to assist communities to develop local goals and objectives for managing economic growth improving quality of land, water, and life." 

What is the RC&D?

The purpose of the Resource Conservation and Development Program is to accelerate the conservation, development and utilization of natural resources, improve the general level of economic activity, and to enhance the environment and standard of living in rural areas. 
The ultimate goal of the Lake Region RC&D is to strive for balance of economic development and management of natural resources.  The main priority of the council is to motivate local leadership and participation in conserving, developing and utilizing the natural and human resources.
Dedicated volunteers willing to work toward the achievement of a common goal to accomplish projects in the area. It is the intention of the Lake Region RC&D Council to assist the volunteers in concentrating their energies in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
The Lake Region RC&D began with a series of informal meetings in 1972.  Organization efforts began on April 26, 1973, with and application submitted to the Secretary of agriculture.  Planning assistance was authorized on December 13, 1976.
Links to county sites

Improving the quality of land, water and life